What is the easiest way to send fax to 808-SEND-FAX?
Easiest way to send fax to 808-SEND-FAX is using the free FaxExtension app
Easiest way to send fax to FaxExtension is using FaxExtension app. It is as easy as sending an email.
- Go to the FaxExtension app and sign in.
- Once you’re signed in, press the “New Fax” button and compose your fax in a familiar email-like way.
- Enter +1 808-SEND-FAX, followed by the pound sign (#) and the recipient’s extension number, into the “To” field. For example, if the recipient’s fax extension is 1234, enter +1 808-SEND-FAX #1234 into the “To” field.
- Finally, press the “Send” button once you are ready to send your fax.